Mon-Fri – Lobby 8:30-4:30, Walk-up 8:00-5:00
2 South Main St, Rutland, VT 05701 Routing #: 211691334 800-892-6900 · 802-773-0027

Volunteer as an Official of the Credit Union of Vermont

Do you appreciate the manner in which your credit union operates as a not-for-profit, financial cooperative for the benefit of its members/owners?  Are you interested in contributing to its success and its ability to serve members?  The Credit Union of Vermont encourages its members to consider taking an active role as a volunteer official for the credit union. 

Our bylaws provide for the following official bodies:

Board of Directors

Our all volunteer Board of Directors is made up of members who lend their expertise to help guide the direction and mission of the credit union. 

Credit Committee

Oversees the granting of loans through its appointed Loan Officers or by review of appeals in accordance with credit union policy.

Supervisory Committee

Through the use of external or internal audits this committee acts as the “watch dog” of the credit union to protect and safeguard member assets.  

Candidates must be:

  1. A member in good standing;
  2. at least 18 years of age;
  3. bondable and subject to a criminal background and credit check;
  4. agreeable to the credit union’s code of ethics policy;
  5. able to attend and participate in meetings.

What are the benefits of serving as a volunteer officer of the credit union? 

You will gain knowledge and experience in the running of your financial institution through direct participation in our financial cooperative.  Terms are for three years and generally involve a monthly meeting.  Education and courses of study are available to our officials to aid in their duties.

How can I apply to become a Volunteer Official of the Credit Union of Vermont?

Please complete our application and return it to:

Nominating Committee
Credit Union of Vermont
2 South Main Street
Rutland, VT 05701-4152

Your savings federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government. NCUA: National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government Agency. Equal Housing Lender